Are you in the neighborhood looking for some prime internet real estate to host your free blog? Or are you just getting started in your business and you want to add a blog to your existing site? No matter which one of these questions fits you, you’ve clicked on this blog post to find out how you can get the best hosting package for your new blog. There are thousands of hosting services available online. But when it comes to your blog, you want the best in hosting with a robust set of features to boot it. In this article we’re going to outline the best host for your free blog and how to get started today. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.
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Reasons choosing the best host is the place to start
It’s exceedingly difficult to decide on a web hosting provider for your blog because there are thousands to choose from. In fact, it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make. So, if you want to have a successful blog that brings in revenue; it’s imperative that from the onset you choose the best blog hosting platform.
If you choose the wrong web hosting provider you can end up with a very slow website, have security issues, really bad uptime and worst-yet your blog can crash or be susceptible to a takedown by a cyber-criminal…yikes!
If you already have a thriving website switching web hosts can be a big headache. Again, not to sound like a broken record, but this is the main reason you need to make the right choice from the beginning.
Even if you’re a seasoned blogger or a newbie trying your hand at blogging, you need the best hosting platform with robust features. That’s where comes in. We have some of the best hosting packages around and we have a built-in, easy to use, site builder that includes a blog add in that is user friendly and responsive.
How do you know your host is packing the best features?
When you’re shopping for a web hosting provider for your free blog you need to keep three important factors in mind:
1. High website uptime
You need a hosting provider that can deliver and guarantee 99.99% uptime. If you’re website crashes or goes offline for any reason that can seriously hurt your reputation. Great web hosting providers can promise you almost perfect uptime and then deliver on that promise.
2. Need for speed
The need for speed is real when it comes to your website. Studies show that users will click out of a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. So, you need a hosting provider that has super sonic internet speed if you want to convert customers and keep people coming back for more of your content. In fact, speed also boosts your SEO score and we cannot stress how important that is if you want to have a successful blog.
Remember speed is everything, find out how quick your blog should load here.
3. Efficient and reliable customer support
You need to be able to dial your hosting provider or send a ticket online and have your queries answered in a timely manner. Look for 24/7/365 of technical support in a good hosting provider.
At you’re guaranteed to get all of this and more. We have reliable uptime rate of 99.99%, with our super-fast hosting that is cost-effective, easy to use, and has fast and competent support when you need it.
Should you use WordPress or a template from MonsterHost?
This is completely up to you. You can purchase a hosting package from to host a WordPress website. This option comes with the easy one-click installation in cPanel to get your WordPress blog up and running – fast.
Alternatively, you can opt to build your site with our easy-to-use drag and drop website builder that comes with blog templates ready to use. It really all depends on how internet savvy you are and what type of blog you wish to have. You have design control when you use the tools from that you won’t have using a premade template on WordPress.
What is the cost involved in hosting your free blog?
One of the excellent things about the internet is that it is really inexpensive to start your own website or blog. Anyone can do it and makes it even easier for you to get started. All you need is to brainstorm and then purchase your domain name and hosting package from; with packages starting as low as $2.75 per month. The more robust the features the higher your costs will be but we promise that costs will never break the bank.
And that’s it guys! It’s super easy to setup your blog and has everything you need to get started. Host on secure and reliable servers today. Select your hosting plan.