Online safety has been a major concern especially with the emergence of advanced hacking schemes. Most domain locking providers are aware of the threats and risks involved when it comes to domain safety. Domain lock is a setting that prevents updating or editing your domain name. You will be required to unlock the domain from your account before you can transfer or update it. The setting is only available once a domain has been successfully registered.
There are quite a number of security features that are added to your domain account. Some of those features include:
– updating the authentication code
– protecting the account against modifications to the DNS, etc.
If a domain has the status lock among the zone files, it can be deleted, transferred, or even renewed. The domain lock also offers protection against unauthorized domain transfers to other registrars.
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What does domain lock mean?
Domain locking is a scenario where a registered, transferred, or updated domain gets locked up from being transferred. During the lock period, you cannot transfer the domain to another domain provider, or change the domain name.
Five scenarios where a domain is locked
There are three scenarios when a domain gets locked;
1. Upon successful registration of a domain name. The provider is required to lock the account for a specific time.
2. Updating or changing of the contact information. If you wish to change the account contact details, the domain will get locked immediately you finish making the changes. This prevents any other person from repeatedly making the changes. Also, this avoids domain stealing from hackers.
3. If the domain has expired, lock mode will automatically be activated.
4. If there is a legal case involving the domain, the registrar may be required to lock that domain until the legal matter is heard and determined.
5. Finally, once the domain is transferred to another provider, the new domain provider is required to lock that domain for the required period.
How long is a domain locked?
According to ICANN, all domains are required to be locked by providers for 60 days after transfer or registration. Also, if you change your contact information, you will have your domain locked for 60 days immediately after the changes.
“Once the domain is locked, you cannot transfer it to any other domain provider.”
There are, however, some domains that are exempted from the locking. During the lock period, there are a few options you can choose from to redirect your domain to a different site until the lock period is over. If you wish to have people viewing the content on your domain, you can connect it to an outside site until the 60-day domain lock period lapses.
How to Unlock your Domain?
You should always be aware that the domain lock is simply a security feature. In case you wish to transfer your domain or make some DNS modifications to the domain, then you have to unlock the feature first. There is a process that you must follow to unlock your domain. The following are the steps you should follow to deactivate the Domain Update Lock feature;
1. Log in to your client dashboard.
2. Search for the domain name which you wish to unlock and select it.
3. Go to the ‘Order Information’ panel and navigate through it.
4. Select ‘lock/Suspend’ and click on it. You will be redirected to another page where the unlocking will take place.
5. On the new page, select ’No Restriction’ then finish the process by clicking the ‘Update’ tab.
Note that different domain providers have used different words on their panels. However, the procedures are almost similar. In case you find challenges in unlocking your domain, contact your provider.
How to get around the 60-day domain lock?
Sometimes, the 60-day domain lock period can be too long for you to wait. This means you will need a way to go around the domain while awaiting the period to lapse. There are some domain providers who allow accounts to toggle between lock and unlock modes. You can simply change the status of the lock feature at your own convenience. However, there are other TLDs which have an inactive or hidden lock button. In such cases, you will only change your account status, or transfer it to a new provider after the mandatory lock period.
Here are some tips you can implement while awaiting the end of the lock period:
– If you wish to change your host or provider, you can connect the domain to your preferred registrar.
Your site will be visible on the new registrar’s domain. Once the lock period is over, you can then transfer the domain to your preferred host permanently. You should bear in mind that, the Domain Lock feature does not affect the functioning of your domain in any way. It only prevents unwarranted transfers and updates.
– If you are using third-party providers and you wish to move it to independent registrars, you can connect it to your site. People will be accessing everything on your site until the period ends then you can migrate the domain to a new host.
To wrap up
In conclusion, domain locking is a great feature that guarantees security to your domain. It is, therefore, important for you to have it enabled at all times. However, in case you need to use your account for other purposes, you can unlock it whenever you want. Also, you should find a provider who doesn’t limit you from locking and unlocking your domain. is one of such registrars who give their clients the power to toggle between lock and unlock modes. You should consider transferring your domain to them.